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By saud bukhari

Informative Review Reflection Paper

On 08, Dec 2018 | No Comments | In Uncategorized | By saud bukhari

Informative Review Reflection Paper


This particular paper was an informative, scientific based paper. The particular topic for this paper was cloning, and the purpose was to inform the reader about what cloning is, and different stances on cloning. The audience that this paper was aimed towards was for the general public, and it could also be aimed for those who are interested in learning about cloning. Informative reviews are papers that update readers about topics still being researched, and provides readers with the current situation and findings about a specific topic, without taking a position which would make it sound more like an argumentative, or persuasive paper. The purpose of it is simply to provide more of an outlook on a particular topic to the reader, so that the reader can take a position.

The potential audience has a big impact on science writing. Within the writing, the concerns of the audience need to be addressed. Furthermore, not everyone in the audience will have the same level of knowledge, so the way the paper is written needs to be understandable for the entire audience. The strategies I used to to respond to the audience being addressed in my paper were trying to use basic vocabulary, instead of advanced scientific vocabulary which would allow for a better understanding for all readers. Another strategy I used was providing equal importance to supporters of cloning, and opposers of cloning who had ethical concerns. This allowed me to avoid bias in my paper, and keep it informative. The strategy I used to draw in attention in my opening paragraphs was using exaggerated words and phrases that would allow the reader to grow more curious about what cloning can do. Specific examples are “Medical advancement”, and “Self destruction to humanity.”

The motivation for my topic and and key issues was to uplift the concerns of those who were completely against cloning. The more I informed the reader, the better sense of understanding I could provide. I chose the visual image on the cover page because it shows identical individuals which is essentially what clones are. The strategy used for identifying the motivating issue in the sources for my paper was the prompt that was provided, and looking at sources that could potentially alleviate any ethical concerns.

Collaborative and social aspects helped me with this assignment. Having my peers look at my paper allowed me to get different opinions, and find weak spots that I would not have caught myself. One source I used to understand this assignment was the homework that was assigned on blackboard. All the answers helped contribute to my essay. The scholarly source I used for this article helped me add to evidence about cloning in regards to stem cell and Alzheimer’s. Some of the sources that we read for homework and in-class were challenging to decipher. Strategies I used in deciphering the texts were looking up words I was not familiar with, and looking at pictures to provide a better understanding. One piece of evidence I used to support claims made in my writing was “ ‘One possible treatment that scientists have suggested is using embryonic stem cells, differentiated into neurons to replace dead ones in the brain. These “blank” cells are capable of being transformed into 300 different somatic cells…stem cells could potentially help thousands of patients waiting for donor tissue or organs through therapeutic cloning.’ (Brown, 2006).”

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